My travel schedule has resembled a tidal wave of late which means my blogging throughput resembles a slow running stream. That’s not say that I haven’t been hard at work speaking and producing content.
I’m sharing our latest white paper, published recently, addressing how you can get started with Digital Transformation. In my travels I continue to see and hear from people struggling to ignite a transformation movement and show success.
McKinsey & Company claim 70% of transformation movements fail. While the good people at Forbes contend that number is as high as 84%. If these statistics are accurate for you and your organization then perhaps this white paper will help you out.
Getting Started with Digital Transformation
The majority of executives believe that a transformation movement is an imperative to their future success in the Digital Economy. In fact 30% of total future revenue will come from new business models by 2020. So the need to break with status quo is clear.
In the coming weeks I’ll be on the campaign trail talking about Digital Transformation and how you can get started. I’m always open to engaging and discussing how you can be more successful.
In the meantime, enjoy the white paper see you all on the road.